Title: | Boldness-Recalibration of Binary Events |
Description: | Boldness-recalibration maximally spreads out probability predictions while maintaining a user specified level of calibration, facilitated the brcal() function. Supporting functions to assess calibration via Bayesian and Frequentist approaches, Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) recalibration, Linear in Log Odds (LLO)-adjust via any specified parameters, and visualize results are also provided. Methodological details can be found in Guthrie & Franck (2024) <doi:10.1080/00031305.2024.2339266>. |
Authors: | Adeline P. Guthrie [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Adeline P. Guthrie <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 1.0.1 |
Built: | 2025-02-21 03:00:52 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/apguthrie/brcal |
Perform Bayesian model selection-based approach to determine if a set of
predicted probabilities x
is well calibrated given the corresponding set of
binary event outcomes y
as described in Guthrie and Franck (2024).
bayes_ms( x, y, Pmc = 0.5, event = 1, optim_details = TRUE, epsilon = .Machine$double.eps, ... )
bayes_ms( x, y, Pmc = 0.5, event = 1, optim_details = TRUE, epsilon = .Machine$double.eps, ... )
x |
a numeric vector of predicted probabilities of an event. Must only contain values in [0,1]. |
y |
a vector of outcomes corresponding to probabilities in |
Pmc |
The prior model probability for the calibrated model |
event |
Value in |
optim_details |
Logical. If |
epsilon |
Amount by which probabilities are pushed away from 0 or 1
boundary for numerical stability. If a value in |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to optim. |
This function compares a well calibrated model, where
to an uncalibrated model,
The posterior model probability of given the observed
(returned as posterior_model_prob
) is expressed as
where is the integrated likelihoof of
is the prior probability of model i,
. By default, this function uses
. To set a
different prior for
, use
, and will be set to
1 - Pmc
The Bayes factor (returned as BF
) compares to
. This
value is approximated via the following large sample Bayesian Information
Criteria (BIC) approximation (see Kass & Raftery 1995, Kass & Wasserman 1995)
where the BIC for the calibrated model
(returned as BIC_mc
) is
and the BIC for the uncalibrated model (returned as BIC_mu
) is
A list with the following attributes:
Pmc |
The prior
model probability for the calibrated model |
BIC_Mc |
The Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) for the
calibrated model |
BIC_Mu |
The Bayesian Information Criteria
(BIC) for the uncalibrated model |
BF |
The Bayes Factor of uncalibrated model over calibrated model. |
posterior_model_prob |
The posterior model probability of the
calibrated model |
MLEs |
Maximum likelihood estimates for |
optim_details |
If |
Guthrie, A. P., and Franck, C. T. (2024) Boldness-Recalibration for Binary Event Predictions, The American Statistician 1-17.
Kass, R. E., and Raftery, A. E. (1995) Bayes factors. Journal of the American Statistical Association
Kass, R. E., and Wassermann, L. (1995) A reference bayesian test for nested hypotheses and its relationship to the schwarz criterion. Journal of the American Statistical Association
# Simulate 100 predicted probabilities x <- runif(100) # Simulated 100 binary event outcomes using x y <- rbinom(100, 1, x) # By construction, x is well calibrated. # Use bayesian model selection approach to check calibration of x given outcomes y bayes_ms(x, y, optim_details=FALSE) # To specify different prior model probability of calibration, use Pmc # Prior model prob of 0.7: bayes_ms(x, y, Pmc=0.7) # Prior model prob of 0.2 bayes_ms(x, y, Pmc=0.2) # Use optim_details = TRUE to see returned info from call to optim(), # details useful for checking convergence bayes_ms(x, y, optim_details=TRUE) # no convergence problems in this example # Pass additional arguments to optim() via ... (see optim() for details) # Specify different start values via par in optim() call, start at delta = 5, gamma = 5: bayes_ms(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, par=c(5,5)) # Specify different optimization algorithm via method, L-BFGS-B instead of Nelder-Mead: bayes_ms(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, method = "L-BFGS-B") # same result # What if events are defined by text instead of 0 or 1? y2 <- ifelse(y==0, "Loss", "Win") bayes_ms(x, y2, event="Win", optim_details=FALSE) # same result # What if we're interested in the probability of loss instead of win? x2 <- 1 - x bayes_ms(x2, y2, event="Loss", optim_details=FALSE) # Push probabilities away from bounds by 0.000001 x3 <- c(runif(50, 0, 0.0001), runif(50, .9999, 1)) y3 <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.5) bayes_ms(x3, y3, epsilon=0.000001)
# Simulate 100 predicted probabilities x <- runif(100) # Simulated 100 binary event outcomes using x y <- rbinom(100, 1, x) # By construction, x is well calibrated. # Use bayesian model selection approach to check calibration of x given outcomes y bayes_ms(x, y, optim_details=FALSE) # To specify different prior model probability of calibration, use Pmc # Prior model prob of 0.7: bayes_ms(x, y, Pmc=0.7) # Prior model prob of 0.2 bayes_ms(x, y, Pmc=0.2) # Use optim_details = TRUE to see returned info from call to optim(), # details useful for checking convergence bayes_ms(x, y, optim_details=TRUE) # no convergence problems in this example # Pass additional arguments to optim() via ... (see optim() for details) # Specify different start values via par in optim() call, start at delta = 5, gamma = 5: bayes_ms(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, par=c(5,5)) # Specify different optimization algorithm via method, L-BFGS-B instead of Nelder-Mead: bayes_ms(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, method = "L-BFGS-B") # same result # What if events are defined by text instead of 0 or 1? y2 <- ifelse(y==0, "Loss", "Win") bayes_ms(x, y2, event="Win", optim_details=FALSE) # same result # What if we're interested in the probability of loss instead of win? x2 <- 1 - x bayes_ms(x2, y2, event="Loss", optim_details=FALSE) # Push probabilities away from bounds by 0.000001 x3 <- c(runif(50, 0, 0.0001), runif(50, .9999, 1)) y3 <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.5) bayes_ms(x3, y3, epsilon=0.000001)
Perform Bayesian boldness-recalibration as specified in Guthrie and Franck
(2024). Boldness-recalibration maximizes the spread in predictions (x
subject to a constraint on the minimum tolerable posterior probability of
calibration (t
brcal( x, y, t = 0.95, Pmc = 0.5, tau = FALSE, event = 1, start_at_MLEs = TRUE, x0 = NULL, lb = c(1e-05, -Inf), ub = c(Inf, Inf), maxeval = 500, maxtime = NULL, xtol_rel_inner = 1e-06, xtol_rel_outer = 1e-06, print_level = 3, epsilon = .Machine$double.eps, opts = NULL, optim_options = NULL )
brcal( x, y, t = 0.95, Pmc = 0.5, tau = FALSE, event = 1, start_at_MLEs = TRUE, x0 = NULL, lb = c(1e-05, -Inf), ub = c(Inf, Inf), maxeval = 500, maxtime = NULL, xtol_rel_inner = 1e-06, xtol_rel_outer = 1e-06, print_level = 3, epsilon = .Machine$double.eps, opts = NULL, optim_options = NULL )
x |
a numeric vector of predicted probabilities of an event. Must only contain values in [0,1]. |
y |
a vector of outcomes corresponding to probabilities in |
t |
Minimum tolerable level of calibration in [0,1]. |
Pmc |
The prior model probability for the calibrated model |
tau |
Logical. If |
event |
Value in |
start_at_MLEs |
Logical. If |
x0 |
Vector with starting locations for |
lb |
Vector with lower bounds for |
ub |
Vector with upper bounds for |
maxeval |
Value passed to |
maxtime |
Value passed to |
xtol_rel_inner |
Value passed to |
xtol_rel_outer |
Value passed to |
print_level |
Value passed to |
epsilon |
Amount by which probabilities are pushed away from 0 or 1
boundary for numerical stability. If a value in |
opts |
List with options to be passed to |
optim_options |
List with options to be passed to |
The objective function in boldness-recalibration is
and the constraint is
As both the objective and
constraint functions are non-linear with respect to and
, we use nloptr for this optimization rather than
optim. Note that we use
to denote a vector of predicted
probabilities, nloptr()
uses x
to denote the parameters being optimized.
Thus, starting values for and
are passed via
and all output refers to the objective and constraint as f(x)
and g(x)
By default, this function uses the Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm (AUGLAG) (Conn et. al. 1991, Birgin and Martinez 2008) as the outer optimization routine and Sequential Least-Squares Quadratic Programming (SLSQP) (Dieter 1988, Dieter 1994) as the inner optimization routine.
A list with the following attributes:
nloptr |
The list returned by |
Pmc |
The prior model probability for the calibrated model
t |
Desired level of calibration in [0,1] specified in function call. |
BR_params |
(100 |
sb |
The Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) for the
calibrated model |
probs |
Vector of (100 |
For more control over the optimization routine conducted by nloptr()
, the
user may specify their own options via the opts
argument. Note that any
objective, constraint, or gradient functions specified by the user will be
overwritten by those specified in this package. See the documentation for
and the NLopt website for full details
While optim()
is not used for the non-linear constrained optimization for
finding he boldness-recalibration parameters, it is used in the constraint
function as it involves the posterior model posterior. Because of this,
we do allow users to pass additional arguments to optim
to be used in this
calculation. However, rather than use the ...
users should pass these arguments to optim_options
via a list.
When tau=TRUE
, the optimization routine operates relative to instead of
. Specification of start location
and bounds lb
, ub
should still be specified in terms of . The
function will automatically convert from to
In the returned list,
will always report in terms of
. However, the results returned in
will reflect
whichever scale nloptr()
optimized on.
Birgin, E. G., and Martínez, J. M. (2008) Improving ultimate convergence of an augmented Lagrangian method, Optimization Methods and Software vol. 23, no. 2, p. 177-195.
Conn, A. R., Gould, N. I. M., and Toint, P. L. (1991) A globally convergent augmented Lagrangian algorithm for optimization with general constraints and simple bounds, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis vol. 28, no. 2, p. 545-572.
Guthrie, A. P., and Franck, C. T. (2024) Boldness-Recalibration for Binary Event Predictions, The American Statistician 1-17.
Johnson, S. G., The NLopt nonlinear-optimization package, https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.
Kraft, D. (1988) A software package for sequential quadratic programming", Technical Report DFVLR-FB 88-28, Institut für Dynamik der Flugsysteme, Oberpfaffenhofen.
Kraft, D. (1994) Algorithm 733: TOMP-Fortran modules for optimal control calculations, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 262-281.
# Simulate 50 predicted probabilities x <- runif(50) # Simulated 50 binary event outcomes using x y <- rbinom(50, 1, x) # By construction, x is well calibrated. # Perform 90% boldness-recalibration by setting t=0.9 # To suppress all output from nloptr() for each iteration use print_level=0 # (For reduced output at each iteration used print_level=1 or 2) # To specify different starting values, use x0 and set start_at_MLEs=FALSE brcal(x, y, t=0.9, x0=c(1,1), start_at_MLEs=FALSE, print_level=0) # Adjust stopping criteria set max number of evaluations to 50 (maxeval) OR # stop after 0.5 second (maxtime) # and set optimization bounds using lb and ub brcal(x, y, maxeval = 50, maxtime = 0.5, lb=c(0.001, 0), ub=c(10, 10), print_level=0) # Specify different options for nloptr & optim brcal(x, y, opts=list(xtol_abs=0.01, local_opts=list(algorithm="NLOPT_LD_MMA")), optim_options=list(method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(0, -1), upper = c(10, 25), control=list(factr=0.01)), print_level=0) # Push probabilities away from bounds by 0.000001 and # Stop outer optimization when parameters change by less than .001 x3 <- c(runif(25, 0, 0.0001), runif(25, .9999, 1)) y3 <- rbinom(50, 1, 0.5) brcal(x3, y3, epsilon=0.000001, xtol_rel_outer = .01, print_level=0) # See vignette for more examples
# Simulate 50 predicted probabilities x <- runif(50) # Simulated 50 binary event outcomes using x y <- rbinom(50, 1, x) # By construction, x is well calibrated. # Perform 90% boldness-recalibration by setting t=0.9 # To suppress all output from nloptr() for each iteration use print_level=0 # (For reduced output at each iteration used print_level=1 or 2) # To specify different starting values, use x0 and set start_at_MLEs=FALSE brcal(x, y, t=0.9, x0=c(1,1), start_at_MLEs=FALSE, print_level=0) # Adjust stopping criteria set max number of evaluations to 50 (maxeval) OR # stop after 0.5 second (maxtime) # and set optimization bounds using lb and ub brcal(x, y, maxeval = 50, maxtime = 0.5, lb=c(0.001, 0), ub=c(10, 10), print_level=0) # Specify different options for nloptr & optim brcal(x, y, opts=list(xtol_abs=0.01, local_opts=list(algorithm="NLOPT_LD_MMA")), optim_options=list(method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(0, -1), upper = c(10, 25), control=list(factr=0.01)), print_level=0) # Push probabilities away from bounds by 0.000001 and # Stop outer optimization when parameters change by less than .001 x3 <- c(runif(25, 0, 0.0001), runif(25, .9999, 1)) y3 <- rbinom(50, 1, 0.5) brcal(x3, y3, epsilon=0.000001, xtol_rel_outer = .01, print_level=0) # See vignette for more examples
Foreclosure monitoring probability predictions and the true foreclosure status pertaining of 5,000 housing transactions in 2010 from Wayne County, Michigan. These data were a randomly selected subset from data from presented in Keefe et al. (2017).
A data frame with 5,000 rows and 3 columns:
sale type, 1 = foreclosure, 0 = regular sale
predicted probabilities of foreclosure
year of observed foreclosure or regular sale
Keefe, M.J., Franck, C.T., Woodall, W.H. (2017): Monitoring foreclosure rates with a spatially risk-adjusted bernoulli cusum chart for concurrent observations. Journal of Applied Statistics 44(2), 325–341 doi:10.1080/02664763.2016.1169257
Home team win probability predictions and outcomes pertaining to the 2020-21 National Hockey League (NHL) Season. Probability predictions x were obtained from FiveThirtyEight via downloadable spreadsheet on their website (see below for link). The win/loss game results were obtained by web-scraping from NHL.com using the NHL API.
A data frame with 868 rows and 4 columns:
game result, 1 = home team win, 0 = home team loss
predicted probabilities of a home team win from FiveThirtyEight
uniformly random generated predicted probability of a home team from range [0.26, 0.78]
game result (string), "home" = home team win, "away" = home team loss
Function to visualize how predicted probabilities change under MLE-recalibration and boldness-recalibration.
lineplot( x = NULL, y = NULL, t_levels = NULL, plot_original = TRUE, plot_MLE = TRUE, df = NULL, Pmc = 0.5, event = 1, return_df = FALSE, epsilon = .Machine$double.eps, title = "Line Plot", ylab = "Probability", xlab = "Posterior Model Probability", ylim = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.2), thin_to = NULL, thin_prop = NULL, thin_by = NULL, thin_percent = deprecated(), seed = 0, optim_options = NULL, nloptr_options = NULL, ggpoint_options = list(alpha = 0.35, size = 1.5, show.legend = FALSE), ggline_options = list(alpha = 0.25, linewidth = 0.5, show.legend = FALSE) )
lineplot( x = NULL, y = NULL, t_levels = NULL, plot_original = TRUE, plot_MLE = TRUE, df = NULL, Pmc = 0.5, event = 1, return_df = FALSE, epsilon = .Machine$double.eps, title = "Line Plot", ylab = "Probability", xlab = "Posterior Model Probability", ylim = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 0.2), thin_to = NULL, thin_prop = NULL, thin_by = NULL, thin_percent = deprecated(), seed = 0, optim_options = NULL, nloptr_options = NULL, ggpoint_options = list(alpha = 0.35, size = 1.5, show.legend = FALSE), ggline_options = list(alpha = 0.25, linewidth = 0.5, show.legend = FALSE) )
x |
a numeric vector of predicted probabilities of an event. Must only contain values in [0,1]. |
y |
a vector of outcomes corresponding to probabilities in |
t_levels |
Vector of desired level(s) of calibration at which to plot contours. |
plot_original |
Logical. If |
plot_MLE |
Logical. If |
df |
Dataframe returned by previous call to lineplot() specially formatted for use in this function. Only used for faster plotting when making minor cosmetic changes to a previous call. |
Pmc |
The prior model probability for the calibrated model |
event |
Value in |
return_df |
Logical. If |
epsilon |
Amount by which probabilities are pushed away from 0 or 1
boundary for numerical stability. If a value in |
title |
Plot title. |
ylab |
Label for x-axis. |
xlab |
Label for x-axis. |
ylim |
Vector with bounds for y-axis, must be in [0,1]. |
breaks |
Locations along y-axis at which to draw horizontal guidelines,
passed to |
thin_to |
When non-null, the observations in (x,y) are randomly sampled
without replacement to form a set of size |
thin_prop |
When non-null, the observations in (x,y) are randomly
sampled without replacement to form a set that is |
thin_by |
When non-null, the observations in (x,y) are thinned by
selecting every |
thin_percent |
This argument is deprecated, use |
seed |
Seed for random thinning. Set to NULL for no seed. |
optim_options |
List of additional arguments to be passed to optim(). |
nloptr_options |
List with options to be passed to |
ggpoint_options |
List with options to be passed to |
ggline_options |
List with options to be passed to |
This function leverages ggplot()
and related functions from the ggplot2
package (REF).
The goal of this function is to visualize how predicted probabilities change
under different recalibration parameters. By default this function only shows
how the original probabilities change after MLE recalibration. Argument
can be used to specify a vector of levels of
boldness-recalibration to visualize in addition to MLE recalibration.
While the x-axis shows the posterior model probabilities of each set of
probabilities, note the posterior model probabilities are not in ascending or
descending order. Instead, they simply follow the ordering of how one might
use the BRcal
package: first looking at the original predictions, then
maximizing calibration, then examining how far they can spread out
predictions while maintaining calibration with boldness-recalibration.
If return_df = TRUE
, a list with the following attributes is
plot |
A |
df |
Dataframe used to create |
Otherwise just the ggplot
object of the plot is returned.
While this function does not typically come with a large burden on time
under moderate sample sizes, there is still a call to optim()
under the
hood for MLE recalibration and a call to nloptr()
for each level of
boldness-recalibration that could cause a bottleneck on time. With this in
mind, users can specify return_df=TRUE
to return the underlying dataframe
used to build the resulting lineplot. Then, users can pass this dataframe
to df
in subsequent calls of lineplot
to circumvent these calls to
and nloptr
and make cosmetic changes to the plot.
When return_df=TRUE
, both the plot and the dataframe are returned in a
list. The dataframe contains 6 columns:
: the values of each predicted probability under each set
: the corresponding outcome for each predicted probability
: the posterior model probability of the set as a whole
: the id of each individual probability used for mapping observations between sets
: the set with which the probability belongs to
: the label used for the x-axis in the lineplot
Essentially, each set of probabilities (original, MLE-, and each level of
boldness-recalibration) and outcomes are "stacked" on top of each other.
The id
tells the plotting function how to connect (with line) the same
observation as is changes from the original set to MLE- or
Another strategy to save time when plotting is to thin the amount of data
plotted. When sample sizes are large, the plot can become overcrowded and
slow to plot. We provide three options for thinning: thin_to
, and thin_by
. By default, all three of these settings are
set to NULL
, meaning no thinning is performed. Users can only specify
one thinning strategy at a time. Care should be taken in selecting a
thinning approach based on the nature of your data and problem. Note that
MLE recalibration and boldness-recalibration will be done using the full
Also note that if a thinning strategy is used with return_df=TRUE
, the
returned data frame will only contain the reduced set (i.e. the data
after thinning).
and geom_line()
To make cosmetic changes to the points and lines plotted, users can pass a
list of any desired arguments of geom_point()
and geom_line()
and ggline_options
, respectively. These will overwrite
everything passed to geom_point()
or geom_line()
except any aesthetic
arguments in aes()
Guthrie, A. P., and Franck, C. T. (2024) Boldness-Recalibration for Binary Event Predictions, The American Statistician 1-17.
Wickham, H. (2016) ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York.
set.seed(28) # Simulate 100 predicted probabilities x <- runif(100) # Simulated 100 binary event outcomes using x y <- rbinom(100, 1, x) # By construction, x is well calibrated. # Lineplot show change in probabilities from original to MLE-recalibration to # specified Levels of Boldness-Recalibration via t_levels # Return a list with dataframe used to construct plot with return_df=TRUE lp1 <- lineplot(x, y, t_levels=c(0.98, 0.95), return_df=TRUE) lp1$plot # Reusing the previous dataframe to save calculation time lineplot(df=lp1$df) # Adjust geom_point cosmetics via ggpoint # Increase point size and change to open circles lineplot(df=lp1$df, ggpoint_options=list(size=3, shape=4)) # Adjust geom_line cosmetics via ggline # Increase line size and change transparencys lineplot(df=lp1$df, ggline_options=list(linewidth=2, alpha=0.1)) # Thinning down to 75 randomly selected observation lineplot(df=lp1$df, thin_to=75) # Thinning down to 53% of the data lineplot(df=lp1$df, thin_prop=0.53) # Thinning down to every 3rd observation lineplot(df=lp1$df, thin_by=3) # Setting a different seed for thinning lineplot(df=lp1$df, thin_prop=0.53, seed=47) # Setting NO seed for thinning (plot will be different every time) lineplot(df=lp1$df, thin_to=75, seed=NULL)
set.seed(28) # Simulate 100 predicted probabilities x <- runif(100) # Simulated 100 binary event outcomes using x y <- rbinom(100, 1, x) # By construction, x is well calibrated. # Lineplot show change in probabilities from original to MLE-recalibration to # specified Levels of Boldness-Recalibration via t_levels # Return a list with dataframe used to construct plot with return_df=TRUE lp1 <- lineplot(x, y, t_levels=c(0.98, 0.95), return_df=TRUE) lp1$plot # Reusing the previous dataframe to save calculation time lineplot(df=lp1$df) # Adjust geom_point cosmetics via ggpoint # Increase point size and change to open circles lineplot(df=lp1$df, ggpoint_options=list(size=3, shape=4)) # Adjust geom_line cosmetics via ggline # Increase line size and change transparencys lineplot(df=lp1$df, ggline_options=list(linewidth=2, alpha=0.1)) # Thinning down to 75 randomly selected observation lineplot(df=lp1$df, thin_to=75) # Thinning down to 53% of the data lineplot(df=lp1$df, thin_prop=0.53) # Thinning down to every 3rd observation lineplot(df=lp1$df, thin_by=3) # Setting a different seed for thinning lineplot(df=lp1$df, thin_prop=0.53, seed=47) # Setting NO seed for thinning (plot will be different every time) lineplot(df=lp1$df, thin_to=75, seed=NULL)
LLO-adjust predicted probabilities based on specified and
LLO(x, delta, gamma)
LLO(x, delta, gamma)
x |
a numeric vector of predicted probabilities of an event. Must only contain values in [0,1]. |
delta |
numeric, must be > 0, parameter |
gamma |
numeric, parameter |
The Linear Log Odds (LLO) recalibration function can be written as
where is a predicted probability,
. Then
is the corresponding LLO-adjusted probability that has been shifted
and scaled by
on the log odds scale. When
, there is no shifting or scaling imposed on
Vector of LLO-adjusted probabilities via specified and
Turner, B., Steyvers, M., Merkle, E., Budescu, D., and Wallsten, T. (2014) Forecast aggregation via recalibration, Machine Learning 95, 261–289.
Gonzalez, R., and Wu, G. (1999), On the shape of probability weighting function, Cognitive Psychology 38, 129–66.
# Vector of probability predictions from 0 to 1 x1 <- seq(0, 1, by=0.1) x1 # LLO-adjusted predictions via delta = 2, gamma = 3 x1_llo23 <- LLO(x1, 2, 3) x1_llo23 # LLO-adjusted predictions via delta = 1, gamma = 1 x1_llo11 <- LLO(x1, 1, 1) x1_llo11 # no change # Create vector of 100 probability predictions x2 <- runif(100) # LLO-adjust via delta = 2, gamma = 3 x2_llo23 <- LLO(x2, 2, 3) plot(x2, x2_llo23)
# Vector of probability predictions from 0 to 1 x1 <- seq(0, 1, by=0.1) x1 # LLO-adjusted predictions via delta = 2, gamma = 3 x1_llo23 <- LLO(x1, 2, 3) x1_llo23 # LLO-adjusted predictions via delta = 1, gamma = 1 x1_llo11 <- LLO(x1, 1, 1) x1_llo11 # no change # Create vector of 100 probability predictions x2 <- runif(100) # LLO-adjust via delta = 2, gamma = 3 x2_llo23 <- LLO(x2, 2, 3) plot(x2, x2_llo23)
Perform a likelihood ratio test for if calibration a set of probability
predictions, x
, are well-calibrated given a corresponding set of binary
event outcomes, y
. See Guthrie and Franck (2024).
llo_lrt( x, y, event = 1, optim_details = TRUE, epsilon = .Machine$double.eps, ... )
llo_lrt( x, y, event = 1, optim_details = TRUE, epsilon = .Machine$double.eps, ... )
x |
a numeric vector of predicted probabilities of an event. Must only contain values in [0,1]. |
y |
a vector of outcomes corresponding to probabilities in |
event |
Value in |
optim_details |
Logical. If |
epsilon |
Amount by which probabilities are pushed away from 0 or 1
boundary for numerical stability. If a value in |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to optim. |
This likelihood ratio test is based on the following likelihood
where is the Linear in Log Odds
(LLO) function,
is the shift parameter on the
logs odds scale, and
is the scale parameter on
the log odds scale.
As corresponds to no shift or scaling of
probabilities, i.e.
is well calibrated given corresponding outcomes y
Thus the hypotheses for this test are as follows:
The likelihood ratio test statistics for is
asymptotically under the null hypothesis
, and
are the maximum
likelihood estimates for
A list with the following attributes:
test_stat |
test statistic |
pval |
The p-value from the likelihood ratio test. |
MLEs |
Maximum likelihood estimates for |
optim_details |
If |
Guthrie, A. P., and Franck, C. T. (2024) Boldness-Recalibration for Binary Event Predictions, The American Statistician 1-17.
# Simulate 100 predicted probabilities x <- runif(100) # Simulated 100 binary event outcomes using `x` y <- rbinom(100, 1, x) # By construction, `x` is well calibrated. # Run the likelihood ratio test on `x` and `y` llo_lrt(x, y, optim_details=FALSE) # Use optim_details = TRUE to see returned info from call to optim(), # details useful for checking convergence llo_lrt(x, y, optim_details=TRUE) # no convergence problems in this example # Use different start value in `optim()` call, start at delta = 5, gamma = 5 llo_lrt(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, par=c(5,5)) # Use `L-BFGS-B` instead of `Nelder-Mead` llo_lrt(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, method = "L-BFGS-B") # same result # What if events are defined by text instead of 0 or 1? y2 <- ifelse(y==0, "Loss", "Win") llo_lrt(x, y2, event="Win", optim_details=FALSE) # same result # What if we're interested in the probability of loss instead of win? x2 <- 1 - x llo_lrt(x2, y2, event="Loss", optim_details=FALSE) # Push probabilities away from bounds by 0.000001 x3 <- c(runif(50, 0, 0.0001), runif(50, .9999, 1)) y3 <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.5) llo_lrt(x3, y3, epsilon=0.000001)
# Simulate 100 predicted probabilities x <- runif(100) # Simulated 100 binary event outcomes using `x` y <- rbinom(100, 1, x) # By construction, `x` is well calibrated. # Run the likelihood ratio test on `x` and `y` llo_lrt(x, y, optim_details=FALSE) # Use optim_details = TRUE to see returned info from call to optim(), # details useful for checking convergence llo_lrt(x, y, optim_details=TRUE) # no convergence problems in this example # Use different start value in `optim()` call, start at delta = 5, gamma = 5 llo_lrt(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, par=c(5,5)) # Use `L-BFGS-B` instead of `Nelder-Mead` llo_lrt(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, method = "L-BFGS-B") # same result # What if events are defined by text instead of 0 or 1? y2 <- ifelse(y==0, "Loss", "Win") llo_lrt(x, y2, event="Win", optim_details=FALSE) # same result # What if we're interested in the probability of loss instead of win? x2 <- 1 - x llo_lrt(x2, y2, event="Loss", optim_details=FALSE) # Push probabilities away from bounds by 0.000001 x3 <- c(runif(50, 0, 0.0001), runif(50, .9999, 1)) y3 <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.5) llo_lrt(x3, y3, epsilon=0.000001)
MLE recalibrate (i.e. LLO-adjust via and
as specified in Guthrie and Franck (2024).
mle_recal(x, y, probs_only = FALSE, event = 1, optim_details = TRUE, ...)
mle_recal(x, y, probs_only = FALSE, event = 1, optim_details = TRUE, ...)
x |
a numeric vector of predicted probabilities of an event. Must only contain values in [0,1]. |
y |
a vector of outcomes corresponding to probabilities in |
probs_only |
Logical. If |
event |
Value in |
optim_details |
Logical. If |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to optim. |
Given a set of probability predictions x
, the corresponding MLE
recalibrated set is (see
If probs_only=TRUE
, mle_recal()
returns a vector of MLE
recalibrated probabilities. Otherwise, mle_recal()
returns a list with
the following attributes:
probs |
The vector of MLE recalibrated probabilities. |
MLEs |
Maximum likelihood estimates for |
optim_details |
If |
Guthrie, A. P., and Franck, C. T. (2024) Boldness-Recalibration for Binary Event Predictions, The American Statistician 1-17.
# Simulate 100 predicted probabilities x <- runif(100) # Simulated 100 binary event outcomes using `x` y <- rbinom(100, 1, x) # MLE recalibrate `x` mle_recal(x, y, optim_details=FALSE) # Just return the vector of MLE recalibrated probabilities x_mle <- mle_recal(x, y, optim_details=FALSE, probs_only=TRUE) x_mle plot(x, x_mle) # Use optim_details = TRUE to see returned info from call to optim(), # details useful for checking convergence mle_recal(x, y, optim_details=TRUE) # no convergence problems in this example # Use different start value in `optim()` call, start at delta = 5, gamma = 5 mle_recal(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, par=c(5,5)) # Use `L-BFGS-B` instead of `Nelder-Mead` mle_recal(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, method = "L-BFGS-B") # same result # What if events are defined by text instead of 0 or 1? y2 <- ifelse(y==0, "Loss", "Win") mle_recal(x, y2, event="Win", optim_details=FALSE) # same result # What if we're interested in the probability of loss instead of win? x2 <- 1 - x mle_recal(x2, y2, event="Loss", optim_details=FALSE)
# Simulate 100 predicted probabilities x <- runif(100) # Simulated 100 binary event outcomes using `x` y <- rbinom(100, 1, x) # MLE recalibrate `x` mle_recal(x, y, optim_details=FALSE) # Just return the vector of MLE recalibrated probabilities x_mle <- mle_recal(x, y, optim_details=FALSE, probs_only=TRUE) x_mle plot(x, x_mle) # Use optim_details = TRUE to see returned info from call to optim(), # details useful for checking convergence mle_recal(x, y, optim_details=TRUE) # no convergence problems in this example # Use different start value in `optim()` call, start at delta = 5, gamma = 5 mle_recal(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, par=c(5,5)) # Use `L-BFGS-B` instead of `Nelder-Mead` mle_recal(x, y, optim_details=TRUE, method = "L-BFGS-B") # same result # What if events are defined by text instead of 0 or 1? y2 <- ifelse(y==0, "Loss", "Win") mle_recal(x, y2, event="Win", optim_details=FALSE) # same result # What if we're interested in the probability of loss instead of win? x2 <- 1 - x mle_recal(x2, y2, event="Loss", optim_details=FALSE)
Function to visualize the posterior model probability of the given set of
probabilities, x
, after LLO-adjustment via a grid of uniformly spaced set
of and
values with optional contours.
plot_params( x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, t_levels = NULL, Pmc = 0.5, event = 1, k = 100, dlim = c(1e-04, 5), glim = c(1e-04, 5), zlim = c(0, 1), return_z = FALSE, epsilon = .Machine$double.eps, contours_only = FALSE, main = "Posterior Model Probability of Calibration", xlab = "delta", ylab = "gamma", optim_options = NULL, imgplt_options = list(legend.lab = ""), contour_options = list(drawlabels = TRUE, labcex = 0.6, lwd = 1, col = ifelse(contours_only, "black", "white")) )
plot_params( x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, t_levels = NULL, Pmc = 0.5, event = 1, k = 100, dlim = c(1e-04, 5), glim = c(1e-04, 5), zlim = c(0, 1), return_z = FALSE, epsilon = .Machine$double.eps, contours_only = FALSE, main = "Posterior Model Probability of Calibration", xlab = "delta", ylab = "gamma", optim_options = NULL, imgplt_options = list(legend.lab = ""), contour_options = list(drawlabels = TRUE, labcex = 0.6, lwd = 1, col = ifelse(contours_only, "black", "white")) )
x |
a numeric vector of predicted probabilities of an event. Must only contain values in [0,1]. |
y |
a vector of outcomes corresponding to probabilities in |
z |
Matrix returned by previous call to |
t_levels |
Vector of desired level(s) of calibration at which to plot contours. |
Pmc |
The prior model probability for the calibrated model |
event |
Value in |
k |
The number of uniformly spaced |
dlim |
Vector with bounds for |
glim |
Vector with bounds for |
zlim |
Vector with bounds for posterior probability of calibration, must be in [0,1]. |
return_z |
Logical. If |
epsilon |
Amount by which probabilities are pushed away from 0 or 1
boundary for numerical stability. If a value in |
contours_only |
Logical. If |
main |
Plot title. |
xlab |
Label for x-axis. |
ylab |
Label for x-axis. |
optim_options |
List of additional arguments to be passed to optim(). |
imgplt_options |
List of additional arguments to be passed to image.plot(). |
contour_options |
List of additional arguments to be passed to contour(). |
This function leverages the image.plot function from the fields package and the contour function from the graphics package.
The goal of this function is to visualize how the posterior model probability
changes under different recalibration parameters, as this is used in
boldness-recalibration. To do so, a k
by k
grid of uniformly spaced
potential values for and
are constructed. Then
is LLO-adjusted under each pair of and
values. The
posterior model probability of each LLO-adjusted set is calculated and this
is the quantity we use to color each grid cell in the image plot to visualize
change in calibration. See below for more details on setting the grid.
By default, only the posterior model probability surface is plotted. Argument
can be used to optionally add contours at specified levels of the
posterior model probability of calibration. The goal of this is to help
visualize different values of at which they may want to
boldness-recalibrate. To only draw the contours without the colored posterior
model probability surface, users can set
If return_z = TRUE
, a list with the following attributes is
z |
Matrix containing posterior model probabilities
across k |
dlim |
Vector with bounds for
glim |
Vector with bounds for |
k |
The number of uniformly spaced |
Arguments dlim
and glim
are used to set the bounds of the ,
grid and the size is dictated by argument
. Some care is
required for the selection of these arguments. The goal is to determine
what range of and
encompasses the region of
non-zero posterior probabilities of calibration. However, it is not
feasible to check the entire parameter space (as it is unbounded) and even
at smaller regions it can be difficult to detect the region in which
non-zero posterior probabilities are produced without as very dense grid
), as the region is often quite small relative to the entire
parameter space. This is problematic, as computation time increases as k
We suggest the following scheme setting k
, dlim
, and glim
. First, fix
at some small number, less than 20 for sake of computation time. Then,
center a grid with small range around the MLEs for and
for the given
and y
. Increase the size of k
until your
grid detects approximated the probability of calibration at the MLEs that
you expect. Then, expand your grid until it the region with high
probability of calibration is covered or contract your grid to "zoom in" on
the region. Then, increase k
to create a fine grid of values.
Additionally, we caution users from including in the grid.
This setting recalibrates all values in
to a single value which is not
desirable in practice. Unless the single value is near the base rate, the
set will be poorly calibrated and minimally bold, which does not align with
the goal of boldness-recalibration.
via return_z
The time bottleneck for this function occurs when calculating the posterior
model probabilities across the grid of parameter values. Thus it can be
useful to save the resulting matrix of values to be re-used to save time
when making minor cosmetic changes to your plot. If these adjustments do
not change the grid bounds or density, users can set return_z=TRUE
return the underlying matrix of posterior mode probabilities for plotting.
Then, instead of specifying x
and y
users can just pass the returned
matrix as z
. Note this assumes you are NOT making any changes to k
, or glim
. Also, it is not recommended that you construct your
own matrix to pass via z
as this function relies on the structure as
returned by a previous call of plot_params()
Another approach to speed up the calculations of this function is to thin the data used. However, this is generally not recommended unless the sample size is very large as the calculations of the posterior model probability may change drastically under small sample sizes. This can lead to misleading results. Under large sample sizes where thinning is used, note this is only an approximate visual of the posterior model probability.
In some cases, grid cells in the plot may show up as white instead of one
of the colors from red to blue shown on the legend. A white grid cell
indicates that there is no calculated posterior model probability at that
cell. There are two common reasons for this: (1) that grid cell location is
not covered by the z
matrix used (i.e. you've adjusted the bounds without
recalculating z) or (2) the values of the parameters at these locations
cause the values in x
to be LLO-adjusted such that they virtually equal 0
or 1. This invokes the use of epsilon
to push them away from these
boundaries for stability. This typically happens when |gamma| is very large.
However, in these extreme cases this can cause inaccuracies in this plot.
For this reason, we either throw the warning message: "Probs too close to 0
or 1 under very large |gamma|" and allow the cell to be plotted as white
to notify the user and avoid plotting artifacts.
Additionally, when gamma is very close to 0, we cannot directly calculate
the MLEs for the grid shifted prediction and thus must use optim()
to approximate them. In this case, we throw a warning
to notify users there
may be inaccuracies.
Guthrie, A. P., and Franck, C. T. (2024) Boldness-Recalibration for Binary Event Predictions, The American Statistician 1-17.
Nychka, D., Furrer, R., Paige, J., Sain, S. (2021). fields: Tools for spatial data. R package version 15.2, https://github.com/dnychka/fieldsRPackage.
# Simulate 50 predicted probabilities set.seed(49) x <- runif(50) # Simulated 50 binary event outcomes using x y <- rbinom(50, 1, x) # By construction, x is well calibrated. #' # Set grid density k=20 plot_params(x, y, k=20) # Adjust bounds on delta and gamma plot_params(x, y, k=20, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2)) # Increase grid density via k & save z matrix for faster plotting zmat_list <- plot_params(x, y, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), return_z=TRUE) # Reuse z matrix plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2)) # Add contours at t=0.95, 0.9, and 0.8 plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), t_levels=c(0.95, 0.9, 0.8)) # Add points for 95% boldness-recalibration parameters br95 <- brcal(x, y, t=0.95, print_level=0) plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), t_levels=c(0.95, 0.9, 0.8)) points(br95$BR_params[1], br95$BR_params[2], pch=19, col="white") # Change color and size of contours plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), t_levels = c(0.99, 0.1), contour_options=list(col="orchid", lwd=2)) # Plot contours only plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), t_levels=c(0.95, 0.9, 0.8), contours_only=TRUE) # Pass arguments to image.plot() plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), imgplt_options=list(horizontal = TRUE, nlevel=10, legend.lab="Posterior Model Prob")) # See vignette for more examples
# Simulate 50 predicted probabilities set.seed(49) x <- runif(50) # Simulated 50 binary event outcomes using x y <- rbinom(50, 1, x) # By construction, x is well calibrated. #' # Set grid density k=20 plot_params(x, y, k=20) # Adjust bounds on delta and gamma plot_params(x, y, k=20, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2)) # Increase grid density via k & save z matrix for faster plotting zmat_list <- plot_params(x, y, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), return_z=TRUE) # Reuse z matrix plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2)) # Add contours at t=0.95, 0.9, and 0.8 plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), t_levels=c(0.95, 0.9, 0.8)) # Add points for 95% boldness-recalibration parameters br95 <- brcal(x, y, t=0.95, print_level=0) plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), t_levels=c(0.95, 0.9, 0.8)) points(br95$BR_params[1], br95$BR_params[2], pch=19, col="white") # Change color and size of contours plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), t_levels = c(0.99, 0.1), contour_options=list(col="orchid", lwd=2)) # Plot contours only plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), t_levels=c(0.95, 0.9, 0.8), contours_only=TRUE) # Pass arguments to image.plot() plot_params(z=zmat_list$z, k=100, dlim=c(0.001, 3), glim=c(0.01,2), imgplt_options=list(horizontal = TRUE, nlevel=10, legend.lab="Posterior Model Prob")) # See vignette for more examples